Last year, Sandvine’s Global Internet Phenomena Report, a widely recognized source for monitoring internet traffic trends, reported an incredible 23% surge in global internet traffic volume. A significant portion of this uptick is due to increased demand for video content in all its forms, from short form TikTok videos to bingeable shows on Netflix and beyond. Video has evolved from a prestige presentation to practically the dominant visual medium for both education and entertainment, so much so that Statista has reported that over 3 billion internet users consumed at least one piece of video content each month in 2023. These statistics are only expected to increase throughout 2024 and into 2025.

Another point of interest surrounding the video format is that many content marketers feel that how their companies use video is rather lacking. Statista reports that in 2021, 48% of responding content marketers felt their respective organizations were not using video to their full potential. Of this 48%, over 80% respondents cited either lack of skill or lack of budget as the main reason for this missed opportunity. Regardless, more and more companies are using video content to promote their products or services. Oberlo, a drop-shipping service owed by Shopify, performed a study last year and found that 86% of all companies are currently leveraging video in some capacity. That same report stated that 91% of all customers are requesting more video from the brands they purchase from. Whether the accuracy or methods used to obtain this information are skewed, both Statista and Oberlo are pointing towards a trend: video content is the premiere way to market and reach customers.

There are many reasons for this demand. Videos significantly increase engagement, improve SEO rankings, and drive better conversion rates. They help create strong brand recognition by evoking emotional connections with the audience and foster trust and loyalty. Additionally, videos offer an easy-to-digest format that enhances user experience, making complex information accessible and engaging. In other words, video marketing is essential for companies to enhance their digital presence and drive growth. By incorporating high-quality video content, businesses can stand out from competitors, boost sales, and improve customer satisfaction. Companies not yet utilizing video marketing should integrate it into their strategies to stay competitive in the digital landscape.

Types Of Video Content

Like anything, creating video content has a learning curve. It often sounds simple – just pick up a camera and record something. However, there has to be an understanding of what you’re recording, why you’re recording it, how to put multiple shots together, and where would this recording be most effective. There isn’t really one or more types of video, as many influencers or previous brands have created styles and video types of their own, but we can narrow down to some common ideas that regularly appear in videos throughout the most popular video apps like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

The easiest type of video to make is a product demonstration, which is literally showcasing a product’s features and benefits in real time. It’s an easy way to build trust and an emotional connection with your audience, and can even be made in collaboration with another content creator. Testimonial or interview videos can also be very effective as they highlight satisfied customers sharing positive experiences. Such videos can display text sent from a customer, a person talking directly to the camera, or answering questions interview style. Explainer videos can be a bit more in depth in format or style, as these will benefit from more complex visual aids like animation or B-roll footage. Brand highlight videos are similar to explainer videos but instead of focusing on a product or service, the video discusses the company’s value, mission, and perspectives, not unlike a commercial. Of course, there are many types of videos. Live streaming is growing in popularity. Behind the scenes videos have been effective in showing what it’s like to work inside the company. Event videos can showcase your company interacting with staff and patrons at a particular event or occasion, which can boost outreach. Many companies can combine multiple video types to come up with a style of their own. The trick is to get creative and make these videos interesting, which is usually where the disconnect between content and audience engagement occurs. 

Video Creation Tips

Creating great video content requires a strategic approach and attention to detail. By focusing on certain key aspects, you can produce video content that effectively communicates your message and drives meaningful engagement.

The first thing to think about is your audience. Who are you making this video for? What type of customer do you want to benefit from your content? High-quality video content does not necessarily reflect the camera or the sound quality you use, although that is important too. Primarily, high-quality video marketing content is clear in objective and should reflect your company’s overall business goals. The video should always have a purpose, whether that is to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or educate the audience. In order to be effective, however, you must have already identified your target audience, and that comes through understanding the demographics of your brand, your customer’s interests, behaviours, and pain points. If you have a specific metric for the video’s success that can be measured through views, engagement, click-through rate, or conversion, it is particularly important to think about what type of video you are making and for whom before you even turn the camera on. 

Preparation is a critical part of any marketing strategy, and thus, writing a script and/or preparing a storyboard for your video should be the next step. Start by outlining your key points logically to ensure a smooth flow. Use a conversational tone, avoiding technical jargon, and edit for clarity and conciseness. A compelling hook, like identifying a problem or scenario, should be introduced in the first few seconds to capture your audience’s attention. Include a clear call to action (CTA) to guide viewers on what to do next. Add visual direction for the production team, and ensure your script fits the ideal length for each platform; this can be learned through any screenplay format tutorial. Finally, seek feedback from learned professionals to refine your script and ensure it resonates with your audience, both from the corporate side and the artistic side; there are many cheap editors on sites like Fiverr that can assist you in the script editing process..

When filming video content for your brand, it is important to know where you plan to upload or publish it. This understanding ensures that you are not overspending or underspending on equipment, or shooting in a way that is unfriendly to the intended video platform. For instance, most audiences are trained to watch vertically framed videos on TikTok and Instagram Reels, so while shooting horizontally is fine, it isn’t as typical for these platforms. Most platforms are built for 16:9 or 9:16 aspect ratios. Thus, most video content can be produced through your smartphone. If you want to add more production value, invest in a higher quality video camera and some audio recording equipment like lavalier mics or portable sound recorders. Even on TikTok, equipment makes a difference. After capturing your footage, using editing software for assembly, colour correction, and sound mixing will add to the presentation. Apple has free software like iMovie, but a more powerful program like Davinci Resolve can give you more flexibility, albeit at a higher learning curve. Closed captions can be added for accessibility and SEO benefits. 

Before publishing, it is important to watch your finished product to ensure it aligns with your brand identity. Paying attention to colour schemes in relation to your own brand’s colour palette can help customers recognize the video as an extension of your company. You can also see if your video has accomplished the feel or tone you were going for, or if it’s too vague or heavy-handed. As long as the video isn’t published, you still have time to re-shoot or re-edit.

Even as you are about to publish, there are things to consider. If your platform requires thumbnails, like YouTube does, creating an attractive thumbnail image will attract attention and encourage clicks. Some companies, like The Diary of a CEO, will test more than ten different thumbnails on the same video to see what image is most effective at garnering clicks. Your title and description should also be optimized with relevant keywords for better SEO. Hashtags are still important, but as platforms are incorporating more algorithm based distribution, they are becoming less effective at getting your video in front of the right audience. Once published, it is important to regularly monitor the video’s performance metrics to understand how the content has resonated with your audience, and use this feedback to refine future videos. Also, be sure that the comments have not steered the attention away from the original intention of your video.

The rise in global internet traffic and the increasing demand for video content emphasize the vital role of video marketing in today’s digital landscape. Companies must adapt by integrating high-quality, engaging video content into their marketing strategies. By leveraging various types of videos, from product demos to live streams, businesses can effectively reach and engage their target audiences. Focusing on clear objectives, understanding the audience, and maintaining high production standards are key to creating impactful videos. As video consumption continues to grow, companies that embrace video marketing will stand out, drive growth, and enhance customer relationships in a competitive market.